Full Body Workout for Moms


According to a study published by the American Osteopathic Association, individuals who work out in a group have an improved quality of life and a 26 percent lower stress rate compared to those who work out solo. Taking that a step further, another study published in the Journal of Social Sciences found that individuals tend to gravitate toward the exercise behaviors of those around them.

While you may not picture yourself being a group fitness type of person, the benefits of working out alongside others are hard to ignore. Exercising regularly with a peer group not only fills your connection cup, but also inherently makes you more accountable to your fitness goals. Knowing that the other mamas in class are going to be right there beside you pushing themselves–and you in the process!–can give you the extra motivation you need to get to class and give that extra effort.


Accountability and connection are truly game-changers when it comes to sticking with an exercise or nutrition program. Research has shown that individuals who feel more connected in their exercise classes attend more often, arrive on time, are less likely to quit, are better suited to withstand disruption, and enjoy greater mental benefits from exercise. The connection with your workout group not only makes the exercise more enjoyable, but the shared accountability can overcome any one person’s drop in motivation, serving as a constant source of support when individual drive begins to wane.

Now, imagine if you had the group support mentioned above AND the one-on-one guidance and encouragement from a dedicated coach. Enter Body Well.

Body Well is a results-based, mom-only program defined by its commitment to small group workouts, nutritional guidance, and a team-minded approach to goal achievements. Although each member will work directly with a dedicated coach to set goals and track habits, the small group setting lends itself to peer-to-peer support and encouragement. Each mom will experience her own self-care transformation over the 8-week session, as well as a group transformation that can only be captured through shared experience.

Devoting time for yourself may not always be easy, but it’s essential for your health and wellbeing. Tap into the extra motivation you need within this small group setting–we are here and ready to help you in your journey.